Blog Update
Ok, so this blog is out of whack a bit. The pictures below belong to the update just below these photos, so please read on and see the stories behind the pictures...
The Amish horse and cart/cabin became less rare, by the end of the week there were more of these than cars!
The view out of the hotel window, pretty nice.
At the top of the famous steps Rocky runs up in the movie.
The hill was steep.
Very steep... No wonder it's called "The Wall".
Look at the size of the arms on the dude in green as he goes up the other KOM climb of the race, Lemon Hill. Good camera work Thor!

Yes...clever detective work. That was me messing about on your blog a few months ago!! It's brents fault..he'll do anything for cheap publicity
I can't figure out how to stop the comment approval thing either..i guess i'm pretty thick too :)
A lion tamer ! Still scared in the dark aren't you. I thought you had grown out of that by now, but perhaps good incentive to think on these things to get over the leetle hills they seem to put in front of you in some of these races. Family update, Uncle John is in Alice and heading north west on the Tanami to near Halls Creek and says gidday. Bob's mum is really very crook, but we are all healthy and well. Mighty just finished his mid year exams ok, and Lisa has even gone into town last night to watch the soccer at 2AM at Fed Square. Its 3 degrees in the morning, which by the way is bloody cold. But, we are at the shortest day in 2 days so things will start to improve (eventually). D's have won 8 out of 9 and have a week off and are in about 5th spot and LOOKIN' GOOD. Had a great weekend 4WDing on the long weekend, light snow on Sat night so was good to be in a warm swag. Car goes up hills well now, with the 35" muddies and diff lock. Take care mate, and ride well.
Way to go Multiple!!!
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