Some Pictures for Y'all

We have DMT shoes, the Flash model, and they are made out of this cool shiny material that seems to be clean all the time, and if they do get dirty, its just a simple wipe down with a rag and they look as good as new again, which is handy considering we have white shoes!
We are lucky to be using the bees knees of everything when it comes to equipment, and full credit goes to our management for organising that! It does make riding a pleasure when you know there is not much room for improvement in the stuff you are using.
This is a photo of all our team bikes ready for us to ride into the team presentation. I did my best to line them up neat for their photo shoot, and they did their best to stay still. Everyone had new white bar tape, and Benno the Bear did a great job cleaning them all the night before to have them looking great. There is a few dollars worth of Ridleys sitting there!
There was another event inside our team presentation, and that was the 'sideburn battle' being waged by team mate Teddy King and myself. As you can see, I am the clear winner, as i have greater thickness in mine, although Teddy has more area. We had different ideas of whether the contest was about thickness or area, so the judges called it a tie. Teddy has persisted with his, however I removed mine later that day after the comparison was made. I thought it best not to keep them once we got to warmer weather so as to avoid the silly tan lines they would leave.
Currently we are staying in Georgia, about 500 meters from the Tennessee border, atop Lookout Mountain, which is hard climbing to the finish of our training rides! We are staying with Eddy 'The Body' Hilger, who as mentioned in a previous post has lived up to his nickname, and he has a great house, and wife Carlee, and the two cutest kids going around. Jackson is three, and Kenzie is 18 months, and they are so much fun. Jackson is running around saying "G'day mate" in his Southern, three-year-old accent, and Kenzie is tiny and has this fluffy hair that stands up. Eddy sure is lucky to have them, they are so cute. The main reason for including these photos is so mum can see what she is missing out on! (Mum if you click on the photos they should enlarge)
So anyway dudes, I hope this gives you a bit of reading and viewing pleasure, and I will try and keep the photos coming each week. We are finally going to race again this coming weekend, and everyone is raring to go after such a long lay-off. Some of the team are starting a tour on Tuesday, while the crit dudes, which I am part of, start on Saturday. We will have some tough competition with a number of teams coming off the Tour of Georgia who will be strong, although we will be hoping they are tired!
Also, a couple of other team mates have started blogs of their own, so feel free to check out their sites too, as you may get to see some photos that I don't have. They will also be an interesting read - just click on the links to the right. If there is anything anyone wants me to write about, please leave comments so I can address that issue!
Stay cool y'all, and keep making comments in the comments section... I like reading them.