Australia Day
Hey y'all,
I have re-entered my slack ways and haven't put out an update in a while, but here it is! Updates will be a bit more regular from now on, as i am about to head back to the States, and i will have more interesting things to talk about!
The two exciting things that have happened in the last weeks has been Australia Day, on the 26th, and my 24th birthday, on the 21st! I have now officially entered my mid-twenties, which is a bit of a concern for me, because now i sound old when i tell people my age! My birthday was on a Sunday, and it was a very lazy day for me, short ride in the morning, lounging around all day, watching telly, and then a dinner at home with the family. Not bad to just do nothing all day!
Here i am with my youngest brother Sean, with the birthday cake complete with the Melbourne Demons footballer cake decorations - every Nankervis birthday has the Dees football players on the cake, they take priority over the candles!
Dad, the ultimate handyman, has pulled up the floor in our family room, as we are about to get polished floor boards through the back room and hall way. I was a great help while all of this work was going on...!
With the Australian Open tennis championship finishing over the weekend, and watching the guru Roger Federer play, Sean and i thought we had better go and have a game. I thought it was going to be easy, after watching all the best players in the world, and how they do it, but man, i have no idea how they do it?! Sean was trash talking me all the way down to the St Pat's tennis club, telling me how i wasn't going to win a game, or point! What followed was an absolute white-wash, i won 6-0! Sean said i did to him what Federer did to Andy Roddick, but that couldn't be right, as he is Federer! I must say that i had the most fun and laughing playing tennis, that i have had in a long time! I guess i will play again next Australian Open...
Lisa and her friends have been making the most of their holidays, after completing high school. This is a typical lazy evening, bumming around watching movies. Actually, i am making that up, they have been busy as anything, going out, going away, working, and had just got back from being volunteers at a week-long camp, hence the early night!
As you can see, there has not a whole lot been happening for the moment! Actually, one thing that has happened, is all the boys have left for the year. I have lost my training partners, and now have to go it alone, well, for another week only. Matty, Jez and Cookie have left for the Unibet team presentation and training camp, while Hilton has gone to training camp, and Jonny has left for the Tour de Langkawi. I had a great Summer of training with the guys, and have continued to learn heaps from them all. I am definitely going to miss the fun training rides with Jez, who i did most of my training with. We had a ball. and really pushed each other in all of our sprint training, even though i won all the time! HAHA!!!!
On Sunday, Jonny took me out on his commando loop training ride, and man, if that's not one of the hardest training rides i have done in the hills, i don't know what is! I think we rode up every hill, and i was knackered by the end. No wonder he is so strong!
I have re-entered my slack ways and haven't put out an update in a while, but here it is! Updates will be a bit more regular from now on, as i am about to head back to the States, and i will have more interesting things to talk about!
The two exciting things that have happened in the last weeks has been Australia Day, on the 26th, and my 24th birthday, on the 21st! I have now officially entered my mid-twenties, which is a bit of a concern for me, because now i sound old when i tell people my age! My birthday was on a Sunday, and it was a very lazy day for me, short ride in the morning, lounging around all day, watching telly, and then a dinner at home with the family. Not bad to just do nothing all day!

As you can see, there has not a whole lot been happening for the moment! Actually, one thing that has happened, is all the boys have left for the year. I have lost my training partners, and now have to go it alone, well, for another week only. Matty, Jez and Cookie have left for the Unibet team presentation and training camp, while Hilton has gone to training camp, and Jonny has left for the Tour de Langkawi. I had a great Summer of training with the guys, and have continued to learn heaps from them all. I am definitely going to miss the fun training rides with Jez, who i did most of my training with. We had a ball. and really pushed each other in all of our sprint training, even though i won all the time! HAHA!!!!
On Sunday, Jonny took me out on his commando loop training ride, and man, if that's not one of the hardest training rides i have done in the hills, i don't know what is! I think we rode up every hill, and i was knackered by the end. No wonder he is so strong!
With all the training i have been doing, i have started to get ripped in the legs, so i took a photo of them and sent it to Todd. He then edited his head onto the photo, and sent it back to me!
Well that's all for now, and i plan on getting another update up before i head off next Wednesday. I am also selling my bike, so if anyone is interested, email me at the email you can find on the home page of my blog.
What's with the 0 ammount of comments?? Slack!!
I just wanted to thank Thomas the Tank for putting my photo in his BLOG.
And you have 1 comment from the BUS.
C'mon Keally....c'mon Mrs and Mr Nan....i love reading your comments.
See you on the weekend Tom-i dot com.
Sorry im so slack Todd! You beat me to it this time... Nice legs by the way, not sure if they are yours or Tommy's, but they are intense!
Get ready for another birthday celebration Tommy, sorry I couldn't be there for the real thing! Less than a week- I cant wait!!!
Tom where are the action photos of Mum doing all her hobbies and chores and cooking and caring for her big boy so he'll miss his Mum when he's in the states?
I'm hating to think of you leaving us again, although I know you'll be quite happy heading off this time!!!
Keep on blogging,love Mum xxxx
If you do something photo-worthy, you will get a picture, and a short paragraph on the blog, mother! XOXOXOXO
Tom I need a phone number, forgot to get Keally's. Hope all's well and that the trip was OK. Love Mum xxxx
Miss you already.
C'mon Brother!!!
Get off the nest and get posting of your training or racing or your chick!!
Give us something slack a$re!!!!
What's going on with the internet over there my boy ? No updates and its been weeks since you left! Yeah, I finished all the jobs you half started, like painting the back windows. Can't believe how much food is in the fridge these days either. Had the gear on the bikes changed, and the Spesh looks if I could just get someone to look awesome on it. As you'd expect its been very quiet since you left, and of course we all miss you heaps. The garage looks like a bomb hit it so I need you back here pronto to sort out the bloody mess. Oh, and twice now I've done that horrible training course you so kindly showed me....if you are hoping to get any inheritance by thinking I'd have a heart attack on it, then you'll just have to wait a bit bloody longer! Your mum gets it all!!! I'm also with the Bus, where's the updates? And, you took my yellow sunnies didn't you, ya buggar.
Chill up old boy, the sunnies are on the way back, and a helmet and shirt... I am doing an update now!!!! Bus, you can chill up too!
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