National Crit Title, Queensland, Phillip Island, Bushfires...
Again i am entering back into my slacking ways, but i have good reason... again! After the National Criterium Championship, I was staying in a place with no internet for a few days, and then was really busy when i returned to Melbourne. The criterium was very fast, and i think at one stage i managed to get my heart rate one beat below my threshold for about 30 seconds!
I did feel good though, and am happy with my form this early into my training for 2007. I ended up ninth, although the results didn't say so - i can assure you i was though!

These canals are all over Queensland, and people have their houses backed, or fronted, right onto them. Most of them are able to dock their boats in their own backyard, and have their own jetty and all. Pretty snazzy!

This is the hill up to Chris's house, which comes up from the Alexandra Headlands beach. It is really steep, and just last week, a French tourist decided he wanted to ride down on his skateboard at 3 am. He must have been drunk or something, but he got super speed wobbles, crashed, and unfortunately died. It is just a short hill, maybe 150 metres maximum, but on the bike you can free-wheel to about 65km/h, to give you an idea of how steep it is!

Out of the blue i bumped into my good mate Matty while out training, and we rode and checked out one of Australia's most amazing beaches, Noosa. It really is quite stunning. I should also add that Matty is probably the greatest guy a person could ever meet.

Bli Bli Castle. Thought i should take a photo of this to remind everyone that "a man's home is his castle". Good movie!

A view of the ocean from the Southern side of Phillip Island, looking out to Seal Rocks. This is a very calm day for this side of the Island, and yet it still looks pretty wild! I don't think i would really want to go swimming down there! When i got back from Queensland, i headed down to Phillip Island to pick up my sister Lisa and her friend, who had been holidaying at our house down there. It was my first time down there in over a year and a half. I love Phillip Island, its just a pity i don't get to spend as much time down there as i would like.
I got to go for my first surf in two years on Thursday, and it was pretty evident i haven't lost any of my style! It was great to get out in the water again, and i really enjoyed having a surf, even though my arms were getting tired so quickly from the paddling!

The bushfires have been ripping through country Victoria, and a good part of Australia for that matter. It is "bushfire season", and the droughts we have been having make for a pretty scary time here right now. Hopefully they can all be put out, or we get some rain or something. It is just so dry and windy, and that makes for a horrible combination when it comes to bushfires.
In other news, my sister Lisa has just got her ENTER score back, and got 92.90, which is the ranking for the state or something. Its pretty confusing really, but basically it just means she is kick arse smart, and got a score she deserved after a year of very hard work.
On the training front, the K's are rolling over, and i am felling super strong and fast! It must be the hot weather or something... Check out what my mate Teddy has to train in over in the States! I am working on a few new things with my training at the minute, and i really don't think i have ever felt this strong or fast in a long time!
Anyway dudes, don't forget to write comments, and i hope y'all are well!
Laters dudes...
Thanks for the advertisement for my website... Booya!
Anyway, I'm writing to say that I can't seem to view most of your pictures. Might want to try to change something...?
Hey dude, all your pictures look like postcards. Must be nice. I guess that's the way it in the mountains here, but I can't call it home.
What kind of racing do you have ahead? Are you doing it right through the winter, or summer? Rip it, man!
Teddy, i saw your photo on Robbie's blog, you need a haircut mate! Or is that hair to help insulate from the cold?! Are you reading the blog through a firewall or something? the photos come up fine for me, and Robbie can see them too...
Id like to live in one of those houses on the canal in Queensland... they are beautiful! Good job on your race! The training over there cant be too bad when you get to pass by those great places! America misses you!
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