Steve Irwin tragedy... :-(
Hey y'all, welcome to the blogspot of efficient Blogger, tommynankervis.blogspot! I do updates every other day, so i hope you don't get too bored with reading about me!
Last weekend the team drove down to South Carolina for the National Road Championships, which were won by George Hincapie. The Mullet Missile was our only finisher, with a gallant top twenty - nice one mate! As i was unable to race due to passport issues of mine reading Nationality: Australian, i was on feeding duties. It was a good way to see the race, and be there for the boys. I had been staying in Athens for the week with Keally, so she came to help out with the feed zone also. For a team without a soigneur, we have had our share of cool ladies in the feed zone, thanks to everyone's girlfriends/wives this year. Thankyou Mayo, Tonia, Katie, Kate, Carlee, Cheryl, Clara, Keally, Jo, all the K's and C's! Thanks for all the great help over the year.
After the race, the team piled into the car and van, and headed off to Atlanta, where we all stayed with Keally's family, and they treated us like royalty! The next morning, we had a race start time of 7.15 am! It was about thirteen hours after the road race finished the day before... nice! three hour drive, five hours sleep, 100km race in two hours = buckled team!
We did however, put in our best team performance of the year, we decided. We were represented in every break, and really had a presence in the bunch. The race ended up splitting with over a lap to go, and we got three in the split, Eddy - making a phenomenal return to racing this weekend, Rich and Teddy. The boys took three top fifteens, so that was alright, but a win would have better reflected how well we all raced. The only positive thing about us not winning was Jeff Hopkins winning.
At the start of the day we heard the very sad news that my hero, Steve 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin had died of a stingray sting. I guess the Aussie Jeff won for Steve. I have been so sad since hearing about Steve Irwin, he really was a guru. I watched him interviewed by Andrew Denton about a year ago, and although i already thought he was awesome, he just became one of my heroes. He just had this amazing passion for life, and it just inspired me to try and be the same.

What an inspiring personality. Anyone with this much passion for life just gives me a buzz!
I will miss seeing him giving interviews and stuff like that, but i guess at least we can watch repeats of his shows and remember him that way. And the other thing too, at least he died doing what he loved doing.

I can just hear him saying "Isn't she just beautiful!"
On a brighter note, The Dees are kicking arse! Check out this screamer taken by Adem Yze a few weeks ago!

The Mighty Melbourne Demons scored a ripper win in the first match of the 2006 finals. Hopefully they are on their way to the flag. A couple of interstate games coming up in the next two weeks, but if they can pull it off, they must be a good shot to win the premiership! Back in 2000 they were down by 27 points against Carlton and came back to win, then made the grand final, and they did that last night, so i reckon its a sign!
In other football news, i experienced my first college football match. It was HUGE!

Game day for UGA Bulldogs. What an experience! The whole city of Athens virtually shuts down, and everyone goes to the game. This is the half time entertainment, with the marching band playing. It is amazing really, there is about as much build up for these college games of football as there is for the AFL Grand Final - and they do this for every home game! Check out the crowd!

Here are some attractive young ladies getting ready for the Friday-night-before-the-game, pre-Saturday-morning-tailgating-festivities. My girl Keally is in the middle, with Meredith and Meagan on the left, and Brooke and Kaylen on the right (i figure if they get a mention, i may get more comments)! Check it out, i get to see these attractive girls every day in Athens, and mine is the most attractive of all! Geez that is SO cheesy, but i feel like i should write something to give y'all a laugh, and be able to hang it on me about! (hey Bus!) Its also true, as well as funny, i might add!
I had a ball staying in Athens with Keally and her four room mates. I also made some food for them, using the famous Mum's recipes. I made lemon slice, chocolate balls, and honey joys, with rice bubbles instead of corn flakes. I also planned on scones (the real Aussie way), but ran out of time. It was cool, because even though the stuff was not quite made right, it still tasted bloody good, and reminded me of Mum and her sweets she makes - maybe there will be some at home when i get there?!
Well after the fun week or so i had, we did a big sixteen + hours in the car yesterday, driving up to Philadelphia for the Univest Grand Prix. I am pumped to be doing a long road race tomorrow, as well as a good crit on Sunday. It should be fun, and i am excited to be racing twice in two days, Wicked!
Hopefully i get to the computer do give race results as soon as i can, because i really want to be a regular, frequent Blogger, it is one of my goals in life... actually, it isn't, but i would like to be a bit more consistent with it!
Anyway, I am sure i have left stuff out, but seeing as the next post wont be too far away, i can include it then!
Happy reading guys, and hope y'all are having a great weekend! Don't forget the comments!!!!
Laters dudes...
Last weekend the team drove down to South Carolina for the National Road Championships, which were won by George Hincapie. The Mullet Missile was our only finisher, with a gallant top twenty - nice one mate! As i was unable to race due to passport issues of mine reading Nationality: Australian, i was on feeding duties. It was a good way to see the race, and be there for the boys. I had been staying in Athens for the week with Keally, so she came to help out with the feed zone also. For a team without a soigneur, we have had our share of cool ladies in the feed zone, thanks to everyone's girlfriends/wives this year. Thankyou Mayo, Tonia, Katie, Kate, Carlee, Cheryl, Clara, Keally, Jo, all the K's and C's! Thanks for all the great help over the year.
After the race, the team piled into the car and van, and headed off to Atlanta, where we all stayed with Keally's family, and they treated us like royalty! The next morning, we had a race start time of 7.15 am! It was about thirteen hours after the road race finished the day before... nice! three hour drive, five hours sleep, 100km race in two hours = buckled team!
We did however, put in our best team performance of the year, we decided. We were represented in every break, and really had a presence in the bunch. The race ended up splitting with over a lap to go, and we got three in the split, Eddy - making a phenomenal return to racing this weekend, Rich and Teddy. The boys took three top fifteens, so that was alright, but a win would have better reflected how well we all raced. The only positive thing about us not winning was Jeff Hopkins winning.
At the start of the day we heard the very sad news that my hero, Steve 'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin had died of a stingray sting. I guess the Aussie Jeff won for Steve. I have been so sad since hearing about Steve Irwin, he really was a guru. I watched him interviewed by Andrew Denton about a year ago, and although i already thought he was awesome, he just became one of my heroes. He just had this amazing passion for life, and it just inspired me to try and be the same.

What an inspiring personality. Anyone with this much passion for life just gives me a buzz!
I will miss seeing him giving interviews and stuff like that, but i guess at least we can watch repeats of his shows and remember him that way. And the other thing too, at least he died doing what he loved doing.

I can just hear him saying "Isn't she just beautiful!"
On a brighter note, The Dees are kicking arse! Check out this screamer taken by Adem Yze a few weeks ago!

The Mighty Melbourne Demons scored a ripper win in the first match of the 2006 finals. Hopefully they are on their way to the flag. A couple of interstate games coming up in the next two weeks, but if they can pull it off, they must be a good shot to win the premiership! Back in 2000 they were down by 27 points against Carlton and came back to win, then made the grand final, and they did that last night, so i reckon its a sign!
In other football news, i experienced my first college football match. It was HUGE!

Game day for UGA Bulldogs. What an experience! The whole city of Athens virtually shuts down, and everyone goes to the game. This is the half time entertainment, with the marching band playing. It is amazing really, there is about as much build up for these college games of football as there is for the AFL Grand Final - and they do this for every home game! Check out the crowd!

Here are some attractive young ladies getting ready for the Friday-night-before-the-game, pre-Saturday-morning-tailgating-festivities. My girl Keally is in the middle, with Meredith and Meagan on the left, and Brooke and Kaylen on the right (i figure if they get a mention, i may get more comments)! Check it out, i get to see these attractive girls every day in Athens, and mine is the most attractive of all! Geez that is SO cheesy, but i feel like i should write something to give y'all a laugh, and be able to hang it on me about! (hey Bus!) Its also true, as well as funny, i might add!
I had a ball staying in Athens with Keally and her four room mates. I also made some food for them, using the famous Mum's recipes. I made lemon slice, chocolate balls, and honey joys, with rice bubbles instead of corn flakes. I also planned on scones (the real Aussie way), but ran out of time. It was cool, because even though the stuff was not quite made right, it still tasted bloody good, and reminded me of Mum and her sweets she makes - maybe there will be some at home when i get there?!
Well after the fun week or so i had, we did a big sixteen + hours in the car yesterday, driving up to Philadelphia for the Univest Grand Prix. I am pumped to be doing a long road race tomorrow, as well as a good crit on Sunday. It should be fun, and i am excited to be racing twice in two days, Wicked!
Hopefully i get to the computer do give race results as soon as i can, because i really want to be a regular, frequent Blogger, it is one of my goals in life... actually, it isn't, but i would like to be a bit more consistent with it!
Anyway, I am sure i have left stuff out, but seeing as the next post wont be too far away, i can include it then!
Happy reading guys, and hope y'all are having a great weekend! Don't forget the comments!!!!
Laters dudes...
Thanks for all the mentions in your blog... I feel like a celebrity! I had a great time with you down here, me and all the roommates miss you! Tommy is right when he says the food he made was "bloody" good, I was impressed! I recommend having him make some lemon slice! Not too long and I get to spend time with you again! XOXOXOXO
(to the comment above me, Im a Steelers fan also, but nothing compares to UGA football!!)
Oooohh! Cop that Scott! You have a (hot) girl telling you Penn State aren't as good as UGA!!!!
I was gonna let you know about that! Lucky they had a good last 2 minutes to at least show something!
Good reading brother, it keeps me entertained at work and makes me feel like your next to me telling some "new fact you read the other day!" And you can stack new coke cans! Keep the form building dude, you'll crack it for a win soon dude!! Top bird to dude, she much have that soft mothering type to put up with you champ, just like Nae puts up with me! Catch ya soon, LSD
I've got some more bad news. Not only did Steve Irwin die last week, but about 2-3 days later another Australian Hero, may or not be one of yours, Peter Brock died in a crash while racing in Perth.
Unlucky week really.
I think you are going to need a separate site for the Keals comments ! I'm getting crook reading them. Only a few weeks to go, before returning 'up, over'. The bedroom still has the sheila in it, and I think the evacuators are due in about 1 week. Absolute tragedies this week with Irwin and Brocky. I had a 'princess Di' moment when I heard about big Steve. And then Brock over that - a bad week. Seemed like Aussie heroes were having a bad week - thought I should stay indoors for a few days just to be safe! Its a beautiful day in downtown Melbourne, 22/75 degrees, blue sky, light breeze, nice crisp morning. And I'm at work! Where is the justice ? Avagoodweegend mouse hunter.
AHH my name is in your blog!! WOW i feel famous!
Hope I see you around next season :)
T!!! Hello there! I feel so special to of made it on your blog. I can't wait to see you in a few days.. You need to find me the recipe for your SLICE. ah haha. OK I will see you soon.
You're favorte, Brooke
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