Bank of America Preparation...
Hey y'all, we are in Charlotte, North Carolina, getting ready for one of the richest races we will ever ride in. We have spent the week recovering from Tour de Toona, and then trying to get the sprinting legs ready. The weather is relatively hot, and just a tad humid, so there has been a bit of time spent at the pool, and indoors. We have found the time to get a bit of sightseeing done, and Teddy and I took advantage of some awesome photo opportunities the other day...
This sculpture was just begging for a photo, and the bike hanging off it, along with me sitting on it, really captures the true spirit of this sculpture. I am told it is actually a very common photo, for cyclists to hang their bike here, and get a similar picture for the photo album!
When i was getting the picture with the newspaper stands, this dude walked past and looked like a professional athlete of some description, well, maybe just a linesman of some football description is all he could have been! I ran up to him and asked if he was a professional athlete, and he said he played fourteen years with the New York Giants, as an offensive linesman - a photo was a must. There is a prize for whoever can tell me who he is! A hint is "L.... Smith"
At the launch of the Bank of America criterium, we were set up at tables, to sign stuff for people and all that jazz. We were unfortunate enough to be sitting right beside Team Toyota, who have last year's winner on their team, so pretty much just looked at them getting a heap of publicity. We were also the only team to show up in our cycling gear, so it was a bit of a laugh for us. You may be able to see the team beside us are all dressed up nice, and us just in the spandex! It was probably good for our clothing sponsor, Giordana to have us in the team gear though...
This car was in a parking lot. It doesn't need much explanation, mainly because there is none!
A very proud moment for me, and Rich too. He did a crit on Thursday, so we made a real big deal out of it, and made him feel important. We couldn't stop laughing but i needed a photo with him because it was such an honour to actually get to meet him and chat with him!
Well anyway dudes, it has been a fairly uneventful week thus far. Hopefully the legs are good tonight, and i can contain my excitement long enough to get to the start! I am pretty pumped for the race.
This sculpture was just begging for a photo, and the bike hanging off it, along with me sitting on it, really captures the true spirit of this sculpture. I am told it is actually a very common photo, for cyclists to hang their bike here, and get a similar picture for the photo album!

We actually raced last night too, in a crit. I managed to crash, so that sucked arse, but i am ok, just more fired up to go well tonight. I ended up finishing ok, but it was good to have a hit-out the day before the race, and get the muscles firing.
Ok, we have to go and register for the race now, so i hope you have enjoyed the update.
Laters dudes...
Some unusual foreign expressions are coming into your vocabulary which is bloody worrying. And, I'd spend some time talking to the goat. Might learn something, like how did I get in the hole in the first place. And not sure what a slinky is anyway but the goat sounds infinitely more interesting. I see you have had a mixed bag of results lately, culminating in lying down during a race. I hope laziness is not creeping into your mind. Focus, focus, focus. Sean had a great 13th birthday and is now old enough to go to the pub. Or is that Lisa ? Too many kids for sure, losing track of who can do what any more. Had to stop for a minute and remember to whom I was writing. Now Mighty, I reckon you should.......only joking, I'm sure its Tom (i think). Rode to Frankston and back yesterday, Sunday, and up that bloody mongrel hill of Olivers! That is heart attack country for old people tom, and you shouldn't have told me to do it! Sounds like you are having a great time mate, (did you get a signature from Toyota for me?) and happy that the legs are starting to feel good. take care mate.
Tom great to read the updates. You still seem happy by the look of the smiling faces in the photos. Must say that's what we miss most. Glad you're riding OK and hope it continues.
My singing concert was fantastic in case you were wondering!!! Lisa's studying hard, can't wait till 14 weeks are up! Katie's gone to Brisbane for a week,so Sean's going to grab as much of Michael's attention as he can!
Dressed up nicely would have been better, grammar check!!
Enjoy it all darling.
Love Mum xxxx
Hey Tommy,
I had a great week! I'm looking forward to seeing you again real soon! Goodluck with your races this weekend. Hope the hip is doing alright! Miss you already!
Hey Tommy,
Great blog.
Gilly and I are drooling over your style.
Chao, Your new fan. C
Who takes your pictures for your blog? They're really quite professhhhh. Very impressive.
Man, your dad's a crack up! Nice pics - that lineman makes you look like a wee climber. See you in a week where we'll tackle the biggest race of the year (Rockford, of course!).
Finally figured out the name of the big guy. Lance Smith I think. Played for 12 years with St Louis/Phoenix cardinals and New york Giants. And went to college at LSU which happens to be the shirt he is wearing.
Please send the prize to home.
Deliver to Michael
ok Michael, the prize is yours. delivery time is 5-6 weeks.
thanks to all the comment makers, makes me feel like i have a couple of readers!
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