Maybe i should say, "goodbye warm weather and Summer, hello freezing cold US Winter"! Man, it is
freezing over here, literally! The deck by our apartment froze over last night, check it out:

It may not look frozen, but you will have to take my word for it...
It is so cool though, because while it is freezing, it is still nice and sunny. I has only rained once since i arrived, and snowed on us once while training, but other than that, it is great training weather. I love it how i can wear a long sleeved undershirt, normal undershirt, jersey, Dad's thermal jacket i borrowed, a sleeveless vest over the top, ear warmer under the helmet, winter gloves, leg warmers, and super duper booties, and not have to take any of it off during training. It is so cool. In Oz, if you start the ride with your jacket on, you usually wish you didn't take it with you, but here, its great, as you don't even sweat too much with all that gear on!
We rode up in the mountains on Wednesday, and it was SO cold! The weather forecast tells you a temperature, then a "feels like" temperature, and for Dahlonega, where we were, it was 35 degrees (Fahrenheit), "feels like 19 (Fahrenheit)"!!!! That, for the young Aussie folk who don't know the old way, means: bloody freezing! None the less, we had a great ride, and it was nice to do some long climbs, even if the cold did mean that my water bottles had ice in them when i took a sip, it was like drinking a slurpee!!!!
I have been training with
John Murphy a bit, from HealthNet, and he has been showing me some new roads to ride on out here. Here he is posing by the turn off to the infamous Brasstown Bald, usually the make or break hill of the Tour de Georgia. We didn't go up this time, as it was closed due to snow, but i can imagine we'll make a few treks up it in the lead up to the GA tour. Apparently it is quite steep and hard!

It has been great getting back to the States, and one of the reasons for that being so good was that i got to see Keally again, for the first time in ages! We have been having a great time, and it is nice to be back in each other's company again. We went back to her parents' place for dinner last weekend, for lobster, which was nice, then we had a birthday cookie as we were able to celebrate her Dad, brother Eric, and my birthday's all at the same time, as they were all in the last few weeks. My lobster, who's name was Larry before he was eaten, tried to take off a couple of my fingers with his huge claws.

That is one big cookie!

Keally got a bike for Christmas from
The Hub, our
Jittery Joe's Team bike shop, so we got to go for a ride together on the weekend, wicked!
Here are a couple of dudes looking at having a successful season in the States this year, and hopefully many more after that too! They shall remain nameless, but one thing i can tell you is that they are both really fast! This photo was taken on the way to the airport, and the helmets have been edited into the photo to hide their identity...
Check out my new rig for 2007! Well, it is going to be my training bike anyway. It is sweet! Louis Garneau Sonix 6.4, with Cane Creek wheels, Maxxis tyres, Profile bars and stem and post, Zero Gravity brakes, and... SRAM Force running gear... WICKED! Man, it rides SO smooth, and i am already in love with it! Hopefully it will carry me, and the rest of our team to a heap of great results this season!!!!

Before i left, i had to get rid of some of my left over trader cards from 2006. I thought it would be a great idea to stack them all into a picture frame, and give it to The Bus Wilksch as a going away present. One card has been flipped to show my profile and stats, and another card has been signed and addressed to The Bus and his fiancee Nic! It was a bit of a joke, but Mum (who took the photo) thought it looked so great she made one too! Todd thought it was fantastic, and it went straight to the pool room...

The following photos were supposed to be in a previous blog update i wanted to do before i left, but i ran out of time, so i thought i should just load this update with heaps of photos!
Here are some road signs i am unlikely to see for the next nine months, and that the readers from the US have possibly never seen!
White wombats:

Black wombats!:


Person on horse:

And the old favourite, kangaroo:

I also should have the echidna road sign, but i didn't have my camera with me when i rode to Mt Martha! Over the next few weeks i will try and get some of the interesting road signs posted that i see here in the States, if they have any!
I must apologise for the delay in getting this post out, i have been a bit slack, and busy too! There have also been a couple of problems with internet connection, so the pictures have trouble loading. Actually, after a lot of fiddling around, i found the problem to be blogger, but it is all sorted now, and here it is!
Get the comments rolling please, and then i will make sure i keep the posts as weekly updated as possible, if that makes sense!
Laters y'all, hope everyone is well...